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Home » F5 Networks Prices & Part Numbers » F5 Consulting Services Packages Prices

Below you will find part part numbers for F5’s BIG-IP® F5 Consulting Services Packages. For prices and special discounts Contact WorldTech IT for a quote. We’ll take the time to understand your environment, needs, and current projects to ensure you’re buying the right F5 Networks® solution.

F5 does not officially post prices online. Every customer’s needs are different, including trade-ins, promotions, and special discounts that may apply to your purchase. Please do not refer to any F5 pricing you may find online. It’s not officially maintained by F5, can be out of date, and doesn’t take into account your specific situation. If you are in the US, please contact us with any questions and we’ll get you more information on F5 hardware, software, and subscriptions.

We do not sell F5 products outside of the United States and Canada, but some of our trusted partners do! If you live outside of the United States and Canada, we urge you to contact us and we’ll connect you with an F5 Partner who is authorized to sell F5 BIG-IP in your area.

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Search by Name/Part Number:
F5 Consulting Services Packages
Description Part Number
Registered iRule Consulting Service 200+ (prepaid) F5-CST-PKG-IRULE-01F
Registered iRule Consulting Service 51-200 (prepaid) F5-CST-PKG-IRULE-01E
Registered iRule Consulting Service 1-50 (prepaid) F5-CST-PKG-IRULE-01D

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Important things to note:

  • Note 1: Consulting is subject to availability and a consulting order requires approval from the F5 Professional Services team in advance. Contact an F5 representative who can check for available resources. Consulting is specifically defined work beyond the scope of a standard installation. It requires a Statement of Work (SOW) to outline what is included and not included. This work is performed under a billable agreement with the customer.
  • Note 2: For expanded services or additional tasks over the packaged SKUs, use the hourly service SKUs (SKUs above that end with an “X”). The hourly service requires that the base service package has been ordered first (SKUs above that end with an “A”). Please work with the F5 Professional Services team to create extended custom Statements of Work (SOWs) for these offerings.
  • Note 3: Standard hours: 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. Premium hours: 5pm – 9am Monday to Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.
  • Note 4: Customers will be billed for all expenses incurred on their behalf. Typical expenses include airfare, lodging, transportation, and subsistence. An 8-hour minimum commitment applies for engagements requiring travel, otherwise for remote assistance a 4-hour minimum commitment applies.
  • Note 5: There is no discount to be applied to consulting services without the prior consent of the F5 Professional Services team.
  • Note 6: The IPv6 Implementation Services offering supports the IPv6 enablement of one BIG-IP LTM redundant pair and provides the planning, design, configuration, and implementation necessary to ensure a network is IPv6 ready. For more complex environments, a Statement of Work (SOW) will be tailored to the needs of the customer.
  • Note 7: The Proactive Assessment is a proactive service that will be used to review a high availability pair of BIG-IP or VIPRION systems and make system level recommendations to optimise its performance, security, and availability.
  • Note 8: The BIG-IP LTM Upgrade Assessment Service audits an LTM device (pair) and delivers a report that identifies potential land mines in upgrading to a newer version of TMOS. This service can be followed with a consulting proposal to perform that upgrade.
  • Note 9: The FirePass to BIG-IP APM Migration Service examines an existing FirePass configuration and migrates similar functionality to an APM deployment, while communicating differences between them. This effort is for migrating an HA pair of FirePass devices, or a FirePass cluster of up to 3 devices, to a standalone or HA pair of BIG-IP APM devices.
  • Note 10: The iRule Consulting Service provides 3 core components: 1) Review of a customer’s iRule for best practices, 2) Up to two yearly reviews of the iRule code if the customer has updated, 3) Storage in the support vault for retrieval by F5 engineers. The numbers indicate iRule lines of code excluding comments (non-executable code). First year fee includes the annual subscription and the initial engagement effort. The single extra review fee is to address a request if a customer needs more than two yearly updates (incremental price for each extra). If an iRule lines of code increase into a new category, its next subscription period will be at the new category annual subscription price.
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